Wednesday, August 01, 2007

clutter free

I have been on a mission to clutter free the house. I started cleaning out the storage space in the basement. We had thrown boxes and all kinds off stuff in there. It was time to organize! I have a pile of items to give away. I also have a pile of trash. We feel bad putting all of it out on trash day. We will save some to put out next week. Mostly big boxes that the baby car seats came in.

My next step is to buy some plastic containers to put stuff in. There is NJ's baby stuff that needs to be stored away nicely. I am struggling a little bit on how to organize the house. Our methods so far haven't worked. Our main problem is that we are pack rats. We also tend to let things pile up and not deal with items immediately. I would be open to any advice.

I love watching the tv show "Clean House". The team tries to de-clutter the house and find things to sell at a yard sale for money to redesign the rooms. I would love for someone to come to my house and give me some new designed rooms with storage containers!


Portland wawa said...

Sorry, I don't have any suggestions. We aren't really packrats, but we still have junk. Good Luck!

shakedust said...

A lot of the problem is that I am content to have clutter.

Golden has done a spectacular job already in clearing out part of the storage area that has been very cluttered. I am happy that she has been doing this while I am at work so I feel less bad about letting her handle it.

Achtung BB said...

Wah-Wah is pretty good at storing things. We have too many toys now lying around now and Woogy doesn't want to give up anything.

T said...

We always end up with so much stuff. I don't mind getting rid of my stuff, but then there's stuff that people got for the kids that you feel guilty about getting rid of, I always try to find others to pass it on too--or right now, N has a couple tubs of stuff stored in our garage that is too prersonal to pass on and too much to have in her room right now.

roamingwriter said...

I love those organization shows and articles in magazines. I don't generally apply it to myself. Any flat surface seems to build up debri even though I empty them regularly. I love plastic storage bins and also pretty decorative containers that can hide in plain sight because they're nice. I really need to organize an extra shelf we have down in the garage with extra food and stuff on it. Chaos!

f o r r e s t said...

Just throw it. It feels good when you let go.