Friday, August 15, 2008


I used to think that I was good at organizing things in the house and office. For the last year or so I have realized that isn't the case. I think when you have a child there is definitely a lot more clutter. You have to be in a constant state of transition of baby stuff to toddler stuff.

Dust has mentioned that we are in the process of moving our office to the basement. We have gotten rid of some stuff. I am proud of Dust for throwing away two drawers of computer stuff. We have bought some new organizing containers for the desk. We have been analyzing ways to consolidate. This process has been good. I feel like we will be more functional as a household. We used to have piles and piles of stuff in the office. I want to make sure that there will be no more piles!


shakedust said...

I like being organized, but I also like operating out of piles of stuff so long as I know what is in which pile. It's probably good that we are being forced to go through and reorganize everything.

T said...

Piles drive me crazy! :) But I'm not very organized--I just have "hidden" piles. Oh well, I guess once you have a system that works it's hard to break the habbit.

I hope you're happy with the changes, sounds like a neat improvement! I'm ready for some change here too.

Portland wawa said...

Clutter is ok during the work week, but on Saturday, it's gotta go!! Right, BB? Organization is good, but sometimes organization means you lose where things are.

Achtung BB said...

Growing up, I lived in clutter. Now I can't stand it. I'm not good at organizing, so I tend to throw it away if I can't find a place to put it.

roamingwriter said...

Organizing is one thing. But that is usually when I lose something or throw something away I regret. I'm a piler! Now it's the challenge of having a laptop in the living room and needing things (like the checkbook with it) but not wanting piles in the livingroom that migrated from the office!