Monday, April 07, 2008

MOPS-(Mothers of Pre-schoolers)

This coming Saturday I am going to a MOPS leadership summit. I will be the finance coordinator for the MOPS group at our church this coming fall. I thought it would be a good idea to attend the conference. It is at a church fairly close to our house so I won't have to drive too far.

I don't really see myself as a leader because of my quiet personality. I guess to do finance you don't really need a charismatic personality. : ) My responsibilities include taking attendance and collecting the dues. I do see myself as a nice person and I know that's important because I will be one of the first faces the mothers will see when they walk in. This is a ministry that I am really excited about.

So, remember Dust this Saturday because he will be taking care of NJ by himself from 9 am until 3 pm.


shakedust said...

It's important to do things you are excited about.

Remember NJ on Saturday as well as he will be under my care. Scary thought.

Achtung BB said...

Glad you could find a ministry you like and do.

Portland wawa said...

You were a good STARS leader so don't put yourself down. That was so long ago, wasn't it???

Does Dust not watch NJ very much or does NJ prefer mommy? I am just wondering because of what you wrote. BB was great with Woogy, just not with Nibbles. Although, theses days, Nibbles is starting to become daddy's little girl.

T said...

You'll have a great time at the conference--I'm sure! I'm very glad to see you find an avenue of ministry that suits you so well! :)

GoldenSunrise said...

NJ does prefer Mommy. And yes, Dust doesn't watch Nathan very often. I can't remember the last time Dust changed a diaper.

roamingwriter said...

I'm glad you're getting involved. They need help and you're a good fit for that role. I would think finance would be an unsung hero. It takes all different kinds of people to make a ministry flow.

f o r r e s t said...

We shouldn't have to be concerned about dust watching NJ. I think he needs more practice. You should dedicate saturdays to Dust and NJ. You can have your time-do your thing and Dust can gain the confidence he needs to spend hours with his son learning about diapers and what not.