Wednesday, April 26, 2006

test results

I came home from work today and saw that we had a message on the answering machine. It was my doctor's office. They gave me an 800 number to call to retrieve a message from my doctor. I guess doctors can't leave medical information on patients' answering machines anymore. I was a little nervous.

The doctor said that my glucose levels came back normal but the test showed that I was anemic. She said she could call in an iron prescription or I could just buy an over-the-counter iron supplement. I'm going for the over-the-counter option.

No wonder I've been so tired lately!


Anonymous said...

Glad for you about the blood sugar levels. Hope the iron helps... Grace says try taking Konsyl with it if the Doc will let you.

T said...

I am glad that they caught that and that your glucose test came back good! :) YAY!

f o r r e s t said...

Isn't that pretty normal? -Women needing more iron during preg...

You could always chew on an old fence post.

roamingwriter said...

I thought old fence posts were wood or stone...

I was tired for 2 years with no official outcome from the dr. Finally it was an iron issue (in my bone marrow thus no one noticed). The happy discovery is I can stay awake like normal people on one iron pill a day. It's wonderful. Take it with food!

windarkwingod said...

I've always been border-line anemic. Sometimes I'm in a weary funk and I eat red meat and feel like I had a cup of coffee... I confess that's a weird thing.