Friday, May 04, 2007

figuring people out

It's hard for me to make small talk with people that I don't know. There are situations where you need to make conversation -like when you are getting your hair cut, or going to the dentist, or dr. office. I try to size people up immediately on whether they might have kids because I have that to talk about now.

I went to the dentist on Wednesday. The hygeinist (sp?) and I struggled at first to come up with small talk. I saw a picture of a little girl. I asked if that was her daughter. No, she said it was the dentist's granddaughter. She didn't mention that she had kids and I figured that if she did she would say something. She asked if I had any vacations planned. I told her my cousin is getting married in July in Michigan and we might make a vacation out of it. She then mentioned going on a river rafting trip with her teenage son. I then assumed that she is divorced. She made reference to the son's father. She asked if I had seen any good movies lately. Usually, that is my hot topic of discussion. But with the baby, I haven't seen many movies lately. Finally, the dentist arrived and we were released from talking.


  1. I know what you mean! I am a pretty quiet person until I have enough shared experiences that I feel like sharing! This makes small talk difficult because people who are good at ask questions, but since I'm bad at it I tend to answer with yes or no ...leading the conversation no where!

    I had a fun experience in church the other day. As we were walking out Dash and I spoke to a friend that we haven't talked to in a while and it was almost all one word sentences! When we were done--he pointed it out and said that it was cool. I wish others found it as amusing! :)

  2. I don't suppose anyone is really good at smalltalk with someone they do not know. My hubby is fairly good at it though, better than most people. Especially if they are interested in music.

    Yesterday at work, I was reading my bible at lunch and my boss asked me about it, being a christian anyway. He was probably making smalltalk, but I tried to get him to open up about his personal life, casually, and I didn't get very far. I learned he is an agnostic who isn't sure that any particular religion is correct over another.

  3. I was at the dentist the other day too. I was trying to make small talk, but instead I got a lecture on flossing.

  4. I hate the flossing lecture!

    I am very bad at the small talk too. If I am going to have a conversation I'd prefer it meant something.

  5. I can do small talk. Though I find it is much harder in a foreign language - I can think of something to ask in English but not how to translate it. Kerry says I havea gift for small talk. I know when it is awkward, but I just keep plunging in there. I think it helped me a lot when I was a journalist.
