Friday, April 27, 2007


I enjoy watching pranks being pulled on people. I am usually not creative enough to think of ones of my own. However, I eagerly join the bandwagon if one is going on. The tv show, The Office, has had some great jokes: calculators in jello, cell phone put in the ceiling rafters, desk put in the men's room.

At a previous job, a co-worker set out some jelly beans for people to eat. We didn't tell anybody that they were bertie-bots. (jelly belly's prank jelly beans) flavors were: puke, boogers, hot peppers. Another co-worker came up and took a handful of the jelly beans. We couldn't go through with it. We had to tell the co-worker they were prank jelly beans.

In college, I took a picture of my roommate on the toilet. And then put it on the bulletin board in the dorm lobby. That is my extent of pranks. I was actually mad at her because she did something to me. I too k the picture in the first place because she always left the door open, and I thought that might teach her.


  1. I never would have guessed that about you. Now I know what lies under that sweet exterior. I can't say that I share your disposition, but I do laugh with others when pranks are funny. As my hubby says though, I have no sense of humor. Miss you.

  2. The first time I ever talked to that roommate of Golden's was after Golden and I had been dating for over a year. Her first comment was that I should never cross Golden because she'll get me back and no one else will ever believe that Golden would do so.

  3. Pranks were a HUGE part of growing up for me! We as siblings did stuff to each other and to mom and dad, then there was youth group of course! I have been so far removed from that kind of humor now that I don't know if I would appreciate the humor in pranks like I once did, unless of course it's like riding a bike?!

  4. Note to Self - lock bathroom door when Golden is visting!

  5. Yeah, the bathroom picture is pretty advanced prank stuff! I guess I like to participate if it's funny. I think I usually just egg things on. Someone was trying to do something to Dar at work recently and I came up with the idea and didn't even have to do it!
