Friday, May 18, 2007


Have you ever heard a word and thought, "that's a cool sounding word" ? I heard the word deluge the other day and really liked the way it sounded. It was in the song, "Landslide of Love" by the Newsboys. "Let's get drenched under God's good rain, caught in a deluge of mercies." I like the rest of the song. "Like a pebble clings to dirt, we're still clinging to bedrock sin. Let's get swept off our feet again. Caught in a landslide of love."

I hadn't heard the word deluge in quite a while. It's not really a part of someone's everyday vocabulary. I learn most of my words now from Dust. I guess it hasn't made his vocabulary. Or maybe it has and I have tuned it out. : ) just kidding, Dust.


  1. I use the word on occasion, but not often because it never completely feels right for some reason.

    Is this going to be one of your words? :)

  2. I don't think I've heard anyone use "deluge" in conversation. Most people don't know what it means.

  3. isn't deluge an olympic sport! :)

  4. So what exactly does it mean? I like to learn a new word a day.

  5. My interpretation: "A strong gush of a liquid, such as water." interpretation: "A great flood of water; inundation; flood."

  6. Recently I heard someone saying - no one actually says that referring to a phrase. So now I know I'm a freak, I sometimes use unusual words. They pop in my head. I haven't used deluge in a while. I like the words of the song I'll have to check it out.

    I could say we were deluged Sunday night and it would be accurate. A large group of adults soaked on the way to a restaurant for a graduation party. I learned the word for soaked...empopado. DIdn't ask about deluge.
