Friday, December 01, 2006


I haven't done a baby post in awhile. So, here is a NJ update. NJ turns 5 months old tomorrow! He has already started on solid foods. He doesn't seem too thrilled about the rice cereal though. I am going to try a different type of cereal soon. I am also considering starting him on some baby jar foods. I have noticed that NJ likes his formula and cereal made with warm water. He will not eat or drink anything that is cold. I am the same way! I have been heating his cereal up in the microwave before I give it to him.

NJ has the best laugh! Dust likes to push him up in the air and say "Whose the baby?" That usually gets a good giggle out of him. I got him to laugh really good today. He was lying down on a blanket and I would get right up in his face and say "Whose the baby?" He likes the inflection of the voice going up and down. He started touching my face when I was leaning over him.

When I change NJ's diaper, he likes to grab my arm. He will grab about anything in front of him. I have to watch my hair if it hangs down close to him. He likes to pull hair!


  1. He is too cute for words!:) I wonder if there will be cake on his 5 month birthday! :)

  2. NJ has a great laugh! When he is in a good mood he is a blast to be around.

  3. Don't you love changing diapers when they start eating solid foods

  4. Wow, time really flies, doesn't it? The milestones are so close together when they are little too - like solid food.
