Monday, November 27, 2006

no tree

I am considering not putting up the Christmas tree this year. It is a lot of work putting the fake tree together. There is the lights, garland, and ornaments also. I don't know when I would have the time. I don't know when I am going to find the time to shop for Christmas presents either.

We will be going out of town for the holidays, so it somewhat seems pointless to put a tree up. We will be gone for 11 days. Then there is the work of taking it down.

I helped decorate my parent's Christmas tree over Thanksgiving. I secretly still view my parent's tree as my Christmas tree. It has all of my ornaments that I got growing up on it. : )

It basically boils down to the fact that I am lazy. I am ok to come out and admit that I am extremely lazy. : )


  1. I am okay with not doing a tree this year. As lazy as you are, I am that much more.

  2. We put up our first artificial tree this year and yes it takes alot more work than I thought it would. Lots of color-coding and stuff. The lights come in huge winding loops instead of strands and they are hard to untangle. I loved resting on the couch watching Roamer carefully place each ornament. I'm going to bust out the old virtual fire-place DVD with the Christmas soundtrack. Have you guys thought of a virtual tree of some sort?

  3. We have a pre-lit tree now and that's wonderful! It took 10 to 15 minutes to put it together! I wish we had invested in that years ago!

  4. I guess if you are not going to be in town, it doesn't make much sense

  5. Bummer, no tree means NJ won't have a "babies first christmas" ornament. :(

    On the other hand, in a year or two you won't be able to get away with not decorating, even if you're going out of town. Those little eyes will look up at you and all you'll be able to say is, okay, we better get started now then! :) (I speak from experience!)

  6. We can hang an ornament on his swing or something. :)

  7. Anonymous9:02 PM

    I bought a little 18" tree to put on the table in my apartment. $2.50 at Target!

  8. I've hardly ever spent Christmas day with my own Christmas tree. Usually we are at someone elses house and I just enjoy ours as part of the season and somewhere to put presents as I buy them that will go to other people's houses.

    I thought the point of having a fake tree was you could put it up even if you weren't home? This is my first year with a what do I know?
