Saturday, December 09, 2006

December stinks!

I don't look forward to December. It is the busiest month of the year. There are a million Christmas parties to go to where you have to bring a gift and meal. There is always a work dinner. Somewhere you have to fit in Christmas cards and buying gifts. We always travel to see both sides of the family. (I should explain that I get panic attacks when I think of everything that has to get accomplished.)

I would complain some more but I am feeling a little better about things. I think I have my Christmas shopping done! We did a lot of ordering online this year. We aren't buying as many gifts either as last year.

I am looking forward to seeing Roamer and Dar. Their party won't be so bad or stressful.


  1. I think Golden and I feed off each other's attitude at this time of year, because I am a real Scrooge. If we didn't have as many responsibilities it wouldn't be as bad.

    Last year I (and maybe one or two other people) rallied for us to have our company holiday dinner in January. It was spectacular to do that at a less busy time.

  2. I know what you mean. I think it's especially difficult for those that have to travel to multiple states for family. Our round trip this year will be over 2000 miles.

  3. I'm looking forward to the party with Roamer and Dar, but we actually don't have a lot of parties this year, so other then our trip we're party lite in 2006! :)

  4. I hope their party won't be stressful

  5. I sure enjoyed hanging out with you guys and I'm so glad you did go to the effort to have a time for us to be together. I did several parties before we got here so I can appreciate the stress your talking about!!
