Friday, July 07, 2006

learning as we go

Dust and I have had some sleepless nights this week with little NJ. The night of the 4th I got maybe 2 hours of combined sleep. Last night was a whole lot better though. I slept for a few hours after Dust got back from Homers. Then I took the next shift so Dust could go to sleep. If I can get at least 2 or 3 solid hours at a time, I can deal with things much better.

Here are some things that I realized this week:
  • Our friends were right about not being able to complete a tv show or movie without being interrupted by cries, dirty diapers, you name it!
  • I totally understand the family bed thing now. NJ slept with us in bed one night. I had made up my mind before he was born that we would not do that.
  • Always get a burp cloth on before you start burping the baby. : )
  • The vibrating baby bouncer is a good bowel stimulator for baby. (He had gone over 24 hours with no poopy diaper)
  • There are some weird tv shows on at 3 am. Last night the science channel had a show about a hick town were people were turning into zombies.


  1. Since we don't have cable TV, we don't have a digital recorder. But we got in the habit of taping any show that we watch. We are either in the middle of something or will get interupted. So we watch our shows, after the kids are in bed.

  2. Yes, the burp cloth is a must. Wait till you are out and they manage to puke on your jeans! That's a fun experience! NOT! :)

  3. I already knew there was some weird stuff on late at night. :)

    Most of the time when NJ cries something is genuinely wrong. Sometimes I wonder if he is just trying to get attention, though.

  4. Wow, your life has changed a lot in one week. Hopefully you can keep getting enough sleep to cope well and dodge the spit up. When do we get pictures?
