Friday, June 30, 2006

another false start

I went to the hospital last night with contractions happening every 5 minutes. I had been timing them for over 2 hours so I was pretty confident in calling my doctor. I was given the go ahead to be admitted to check my progress.

Dust and I had been spending some time with his college roommate. We had a nice sized dinner at Chili's. I had a sirloin steak. We had some ice cream later at Dairy Queen. I was distracted during our social time because I was timing my contractions every 5 minutes. We had to cut the evening short with Dust's roommate.

I started having lower back pain. It made me think that maybe this is the real thing. My dilation was checked and I was at 3 cm. The nurse told me to walk around the hallway for 40 minutes and she would check me again. So, from 12 midnight to 12:40 am, Dust and I walked the floors of the maternity wing. Unfortunately when I was checked again, I was still at 3 cm. The nurse told me to go home, take a shower, and get some rest. So, here we are in the waiting game again. I am supposed to call the doctor back when I have contractions that take my breath away. I shouldn't be able to talk through my contractions. The doctor still thinks I am going to have the baby sometime before the 4th of July, though.

Have a good 4th of July everybody!!! and think of me possibly going into active labor at some point.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It's a good sign that your body is preparing itself for the baby. Maybe you won't have to wait too much longer.

  3. My take is on my site now. I will say that it looks like Junior is getting his parents' indecisiveness: "I think I'll come out now. No, I think I'll stay in. Maybe I'd like it out there. But I know I like it in here."

  4. WOW! The Eagle HAS LAnded!

  5. Good job Golden. Now for a new job -- mommy!

  6. One of these days you won't have anymore false starts.
