Wednesday, June 28, 2006

striking a chord

Do you ever have a quote or message from a movie stick with you the next week after watching it? Kind of like how something from a sermon will strike a chord with you. I seem to grow more personally and spiritually by quotes/themes/messages in movies. Here are a couple that I have been thinking about recently.

I watched the "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" yesterday. Lena reflected about how two people in her life who had lost a parent at a young age seemed to have so much love to give to others. Lena realized that she had lost nothing and yet held back on loving others. I realized that I hold back on loving others also. It is hard for me to tell people that I love them.

In the movie "Underworld: Evolution", Selene made a comment to Alexander about how he could have killed his son before his son got that evil. Alexander had just been stabbed by his son Marcus and was about to die. Alexander said that he couldn't kill his own son. It made me think of how we might "kill" Jesus with the things that we do yet He will not harm us. With me having a son on the way, I can't imagine harming him no matter what he does.


  1. "With me having a son on the way, I can't imagine harming him no matter what he does."

    Oh - you just wait. When he is screaming his head off - please don't shake the baby.

    Yes, there are a lot of good quotes from movies. Unfortunately, I rarely remember them. I am not gifted in being a movie quote guy.

    However, let me leave you with a couple from the Pink Panter (i watched last night):

    "Zee area iz cleer."

    "Women are like artichokes. It takes a lot of work to get to the heart."

  2. Movies often relay or illustrate spiritual truths that I don't even get in church. Just about every good movie I watch reaches me on some spiritual or theological level, even if it does not espouse an officially Christian worldview.

  3. I may be miss quoting it some but you'll get the idea....

    In Curious George, Liz says to Ted--"Do you want me to tell you what you want to hear? I can't do that. But what you need to hear, I can tell you."

    She said it fast too! It was kind of cool and took Ted a little while to understand what she was saying! :) That was probably the only thing I took from the movie, other then the germs from the balcony climber. (see comments on my blog for more info.)

  4. I like when something strikes me like that. I keep thinking I want to keep like a journal of those types of quotes/scenes. It would be fun to illustrate a point with a movie clip. Can't think of an example right now.

  5. Anonymous9:22 PM

    I was really impressed by The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. The amount of things it caused me to think about surprised me. I was expecting a teenie-bopper movie and got some really deep thoughts instead.

    Did Dust watch it with you?

  6. Crash was an incredible movie about redemption... one of my favorites. Although the line that has gone through my head the last few months in from an Arnold Schzwarzeneger movie: "Geht too da Chappah!!!!"

  7. I actually did not watch travelling pants with Golden. She watched it during the day while I was slaving away at work. :)
