Sunday, June 25, 2006


I have always tried to make wise decisions throughout my life. Growing up I was always worried about screwing my life up by making bad choices. I would hear family members talk about other people or other family members and how they had messed up their lives by either drinking, smoking, drugs, pre-marital sex, being an unwed mother, dropping out of college, not going to college, not keeping a steady job, etc.

At this point in my life, I can say that I have no regrets. I have a college degree, a wonderful husband, an ok job, a house, and a baby on the way. Nobody has really disagreed with my decisions. I know that it is inevitable that some day my family or friends will disagree with my choices. Most likely it will be with how I raise my children. I know that it will be very hard for me to have an opposing opinion on how I should run my life.

If I disagree with a choice someone has made in their personal life, I usually don't say anything. Who am I to judge what is right for them? I don't like to get into debates with people so I never start anything. It is probably bad that nobody ever knows how I truly feel about a subject. Only Dust knows my true opinions. Maybe that is how things should be.


  1. I often share too much, I admire those who don't feel the need to do that. I am careful not to challenge others in thier choices unless they are asking me specifically because I agree that it's not my place to judge them and what's right for them. I hope others take that same consideration for me as well.

  2. We are about to go from the "I know how to handle kids perfectly" stage to the "how in the world do we handle this kid" stage of our lives. I would ask that everyone not enjoy it too much. :)

  3. A woman who knows her place...

    It would have been funny if you wrote:

    I have a college degree, a wonderful job, an ok husband, a house, and a baby on the way.


    I done got a college degree, a wonderful baby, an ok job, a double wide, and a husband on the way.

  4. If you screw up as a parent you'll just make the rest of us feel better about how baddly we got started. The fact is that it takes a whole lot of trying to really messup your kid permanently.

    the average little "whoopsie - how could have been so stupid??" won't even phase them. And good news!!! he won't remember any your mistakes aver the next couple years - so you've got a built in grading curve.

    ...Dust I promise not to laugh to much (out loud).

  5. Even though, gasp, I'm an extrovert, I avoid telling someone I don't agree or even engage in a conversation on controversial topics like politics or religion. I kind of go along with conversations sometimes even though I don't agree. It is because I am cowardly about people disagreeing with me, even though I feel right about what I think. I wonder if I will outgrow that. I'm trying to be less of a people pleaser, but how does that translate to sharing what you think about something if you know someone disagrees?
