Thursday, June 22, 2006

the waiting game

I will be full term-37 wks starting this Sunday. So, I am in the waiting mode right now. My hospital bags are packed and all the baby stuff is in place. I feel like I have been playing the waiting game for the last 3 wks with the false labor scare. It is starting to get real old.

I don't feel comfortable being at work anymore knowing that I could go into labor any time now. Today I was having about 2 0r 3 contractions per hour and that got me worried. I was the only one in the office. (My boss was out of town and my coworker was at a Quickbooks class) I was trying to get some work done at my desk and didn't really have a good place to put my feet up. I rested them on the computer tower underneath my desk. I am going to talk to my boss tomorrow about wanting my last day to be Monday. I really don't want to work much next week.

I didn't want to blog about my pregnancy again. I have had a one track mind lately focused on the baby. I couldn't think of anything else to write about. I can hardly think straight at all anymore. I am getting some major bags under my eyes also!


  1. Golden wakes up irritated several times throughout the night when she keeps herself hydrated like she should. I feel bad, but I think it is just a tad bit funny as well. That also makes me feel a little bad.

  2. It's hard not to think about something so consuming right now. I hate having to get up and go in the night, I'll try to plan so I don't have to - but sometime you're just thirsty so it's inevitable. Now you have someone sitting on your bladder. Hang in there!

  3. My boss said it was ok to have my last day be Monday! He also said that I could have a 4 day work week when I come back from maternity leave!

  4. Well, I know how consumed I've been with mom and she's not inside me! :) I think we all understand about where your mind is.

    You looked good today! :) Glad things are working out for you at work. It's nice when you have someone who sees the value in your work and appreciates you enough to work with what you request.

    So, party at your place for the 4th right?! :) :)

  5. Don't stop blogging about your keeps us closer to you! We are praying for you and the little guy!

    To ease your fears of early labor, my other best friend from college, Lisa; her sister Michelle just had an early delivery at 29 weeks and the baby is doing fine and was breathing half on her own...soon to be taken off the breathing machine. Technology is wonderfully advanced these days! Besides, God is the BIGGEST and BEST inventor of all! He made our bodies to house another life! ;)
