Tuesday, June 20, 2006

remembering a friend

A friend from college called me a few days ago. I have been thinking back about the fun times we had together. We used to work together cleaning the Academic Building. It was a work study job. You would pick a partner and pick a floor to clean. Everybody wanted the third floor because the science labs obviously didn't have carpet to vacuum. Anyway, once we were done cleaning we would find a place to hide to goof off until time to clock out.

We would find another one of our friends that we worked with and we would prank call people at the dorms. I had never realized that prank calling could be such fun. We would laugh about the stupidest things. Our friend Sonya would call people and say that their llama was running around her room and to come get it. I may have mentioned this on a previous post, but the three of us would take a poop at the same time once the bathrooms had been cleaned. We thought that was hilarious!

This friend was also a good friend of Dust's. She hung out with us a lot when Dust and I first started dating. She can be very blunt sometimes, and that always made me laugh. We loved being lazy together. One of the first conversations I had with her and Dust was about the "process" of getting ready for bed. Dust said he hated getting ready for bed because of having to brush his teeth and change clothes, etc. I told them the same thing--that it took me too long to get ready for bed. Our friend said that she just plopped into bed without doing any of those things. She didn't change clothes or wash her face or brush her teeth. We got a good laugh out of that.


  1. Of all Golden's friends in college she was probably the most entertaining. Plus, she helped hook us up. :)

  2. That's great when you get a chance to catch up with old friends and make them new again! :)

    Sounds like you guys had a good time. I take longer getting ready for bed then I do getting ready for work! I think I move slower at night! :)

  3. Okay, there were some real personality revealing stories in that one! Hi-larious!! So those clean bathrooms, aren't always as clean as we think they are??

    That's part of the fun of long term friends - those old stories.

  4. because a friend's a friend forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them,
    and a friend will not say never
    da da daa da da da daa...
    ..cuz a lifetimes not to long to live as friends.

  5. So... uh.... you and dust and your cleaning friend would uh... go number two at the same time?!?

  6. gross...golden. All three of you, sitting there pooping while giggling.

  7. I sang that corny song as part of a quartet at a graduation, Forrest!
