Tuesday, July 11, 2006

building muscles

Yesterday and today I had to journey out of the house with the baby by myself. I had practiced getting NJ in the car seat and loading the car seat in and out of the base. I didn't have any problems in that area though. The hard part was carrying the car seat from the car to the doctor's building. NJ had a doctor appointment yesterday and I had one today. The parking lot was packed and both times I had to park out farther than I have ever had to in the past. My doctor commented to me that I would be building muscles that I never knew that I could have with carting the baby around. I said that I really should be building my muscles anyway.

I didn't do much exercising while I was pregnant and I am supposed to be taking it easy right now. I have noticed that I have lost all muscle tone in my legs. My legs are basically skin and bones now that I am not swollen from pregnancy. I think my whole body is in lethargy. I want to slowly get my strength up again.

Regarding the car seat---I should have put it in the stroller. Duh! It didn't occur to me until I saw another lady with her car seat/stroller in the doctor office. It would have been hard to maneuver up the steps to the building though. I always seem to make things harder for myself. : )


  1. Golden has had to walk across the same parking lot with NJ in tow twice in as many days because her doctor and his are in the same building. I think she is relieved that she doesn't have to go out on Wednesday.

  2. Sit back, relax and enjoy your Wednesday! You've earned a day off. I wasn't driving a week after my kids, so Dash did the carrying and the parking for me! :)
    Good thing too, I didn't have the fancy stoller car seat!

  3. I have a few times carried a little person in a car seat. That's sooooo heavy! You are in for some serious muscles!

  4. Those little car seat can get heavy!

    With the stroller, don't worry about stairs - use the elevator.

  5. ..of course we found a stroller that we could buckle the car seat into .. well sorta...

  6. We just took the kid out of the car seat and put her/him in a stroller.

  7. Wow - a brand new world of logistics... Hats Off!
