Sunday, June 04, 2006


I was showered with baby gifts yesterday. Our church has a baby shower for all moms on the first child that they have while attending the church. I felt really thankful for all the efforts put into the shower, the gifts, and the love and support from friends. I was humbled by the number of women that did attend the shower. Not to mention the many gifts there that were from women that could not attend. I have verbally thanked a lot of people and I will also send out thank-you cards.

It seems like this summer is filled with wedding and baby showers at our church. It can really put a crunch on your budget/finances. I kinda feel bad about accepting gifts because I know it can be a great sacrifice.

Thanks to T, Wah-Wah, and Vernal for everything they did for me and gave to me!


  1. You deserve everything you got and more! :) You are a wonderful asset to the church and to our lives! I think Wah-Wah and Vernal did an awesome job with the shower!

    Just remember that the number of women that attended is only a small sampling of the lives you touch through Sunday School, Home Group, Church, Young adults and Mission/Missionette work you have done over the years! You Rock! (Which according to my daughter is the highest honor you can get these days!:))

  2. Thanks to everyone who contributed time, effort, and/or gifts! With the first baby it can be hard to even know what we need to have, let alone go out and get it. :)

  3. Yes, Golden. You are a wonderful

  4. Sorry I missed it. Post a photo if you can. : )
