Thursday, June 01, 2006

jell-o fruit salad

Does anybody actually eat the jell-o fruit salads that you find at the beginning of a cafeteria style buffet restaurant? I know my grandparents do and sometimes my parents will get the fruit salad. Do people in my generation eat the fruit salad?

I was thinking about this recently because my new co-worker eats a jell-0 fruit salad almost every day. It looks like she makes it herself in individual tupperware servings. Every day she has a different flavor of jell-0 along with various fruits. I have seen pecans and something that looks like cottage cheese in one of her salads. When I look at the jell-o salad it makes me want to puke. It does not look appetizing at all. It actually looks like something someone threw-up. There are items in the salad that I cannot identify.

My co-worker asked me if there were certain foods that made me sick/throw-up with my pregnancy. I wanted to say, "Well, your jell-o salad makes me want to throw-up just looking at it."


  1. oh the Jello with fruit is AWEFUL. My mom use to fix it thinking it was a treat. I was so relieved when she caught on to the fact that we didn't like it at all! YUK. (But I do think dash likes there might be one person from our generation that will eat it.)

  2. Dar is the person who writes at Darkwinkword. :)

    I actually like Jello with fruit (or don't not like it at least). I don't go for the nuts, coconuts, or other things that people put in Jello, though.

  3. the only things worse than jello salad are the "meat salads" i.e. ham sald or god-help-me bologna salad errrgggghhhhhh,

  4. They are not bad. They can look worse than they taste. Jello salads must have been a popular fad from the '70's that the older generation just can't get enough of.
