Monday, May 29, 2006

productive weekend

I love it when I can get a lot accomplished in a weekend. It's hard getting errands done on weeknights. We both are usually wiped out. Not to mention that we both like to be lazy. There is usually only one thing that can motivate me to get things done around the house---having company over.

We invited some people over for a BBQ at our house Sunday night. In preparation for company, I spent more time on house improvements than on the actual food prep. I wanted the nursery to be more complete, so I washed the crib bedding. We put the crib sheet on the mattress which was a feat in and of itself. The fitted sheet was extremely fitted. I put the bumper and bed skirt on. I had Dust take a big free standing mirror out of the room. In the kitchen, we replaced the trays under the oven burners. They were really nasty looking. We still need to replace the actual coil burner on the back left. I accidentally melted some plastic on it a long time ago and have just never used that burner.

Dust spent a couple of hours Saturday mowing the lawn and weedwacking. It was really humid out which slowed him down a little. Our lawn mower is in the shop getting fixed, so he borrowed a mower from a co-worker. It's smaller than ours, and he has to bag more frequently. Dust also hosed down the patio furniture and most of the siding on the house. It was covered with dirt and bird poop. We also finally put up the umbrella on our patio furniture. The base to it was hollow, so we had to buy some sand to put in it to weigh it down.

We did the routine cleaning around the house. Vacuum, mop, dust, clean kitchen counters. But before that happened though, Dust made his famous potato salad. He loves making it! I almost didn't want him to because of all the dishes he would dirty in the process. And it is such a process!

Everything turned out well and we had a fun party! Not to mention a lot of leftover hamburgers and hot dogs!


  1. It was a blast! Thanks again for the invite...the "memorial day blues" was not as bad this year since we had plans to be places with friends.

    The potato salad was YUMMY! This is coming from a person who usually doesn't eat potato salad! :) Thanks for taking the time to make it dust!

  2. Yeah, it isn't just the regular getting ready that takes so long. It is the fact that we don't get to doing things we need to until we know people are coming over.

    T, I posted the recipe for the potato salad on my site. Let me know if you have questions. :)

  3. I am so bummed to have missed this. We don't have BBQ's enough.

  4. I am so bummed to have missed this. We don't have BBQ's enough.
