Wednesday, May 24, 2006

contrasting personalities

Monday night Dust and I took a tour of the maternity wing of the hospital. There was a group of couples seated in the lobby of the hospital and every woman was pregnant. I assumed that we were in the right place. Our tour guide (the night pre-admin nurse) arrived and boy was she loopy! She was over the top cheerful and cheesy. As we all got into the elevator, I laughed to myself. I was thinking, "How many pregnant women and spouse's can you fit into an elevator?" That could be the start of a good joke. In our case, it was 10 people total.

The tour guide talked like she should be reading a fairy tale to a bunch of kids. I couldn't get over the way she was acting. Mostly in part because her personality was the exact opposite of the other pre-admin nurse that we had dealt with the week before. There is a day shift pre-admin nurse and a night shift pre-admin nurse. The day nurse that I did our paperwork with was extremely sarcastic and jaded. Very pessimisstic, but still kinda funny in her own way. She was ticked because the night pre-admin nurse had misspelled our last name. Now that I have met both of them, I really wonder how they can work together. I guess that is way they have alternating shifts. : )


  1. Golden ain't kidding. These people were night and day. The cheery person had the night shift, too. I'd have thought it would be the other way around.

  2. In the past year I have met a few nurses and it does seem that there is a difference between the shifts. I think the day nurses have more to do overall (since a lot of patience sleep some at night.) Maybe that's why it's easier to be more cheerful?

  3. Maybe she was thinking "this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad."

    ...or maybe she was jacked up on drugs.

  4. Ahhhh, personalities and working together. There's a topic we could all wax eloquent on - like training your elders. We are finding all the people we work with are STRONG personalities - probably because of what you have to go through to get here. They all seem to have some eccentric tendencies...except us of course. Maybe.

  5. I'd just like to point out that you two are going to be way too prepared for this baby.

  6. Don't worry, Dash! Kids really don't come with a handbook...its only the delivery part that does! =)

    After spending last summer in the hospital...I really did get to hoping for certain nurses, etc...after I was awake enough to learn their names...I started keeping a list in my night!
