Sunday, May 21, 2006

Red Robin

Dust and I tried out a new restaurant this weekend. Red Robin. I had never heard of them before, but Dust had. The atmosphere was nice and the place is kid friendly. One thing that stuck out to me was that the majority of the servers/hosts were young teenagers. The hostess led me to the table and told me that Monday nights are kids nights. Then she felt stupid and embarrassed for telling me that. Well, she could tell that I have a bun in the oven, but obviously I had no other kids with me. It didn't bother me. Our teenage girl server was very odd. A couple of times she just stood at our table without saying anything at first. After a minute, she would say, "Oh, would you like a re-fill?"

I did enjoy my gourmet cheeseburger and steak fries. I had the speckled lemonade in a cool twisted glass cup. "Speckled" just means that it had strawberries in it. After she brought me my drink, I was worried that people might think I was drinking an alcoholic beverage while pregnant. I hid my glass behind the cardboard stand- up menu.


  1. I've heard of Red Robin. I think Dash and I ate there once with some friends. The kids have never been. Monday's huh?!

  2. It's kind of similar to Fudruckers except you don't build your own burger. For what it is it is a little overpriced, but I think you are paying for atmostphere.

  3. Be proud of your lemonade. Hide it under a bushel, No! You should let it shine. And if anybody has a problem, Dust will deal with them.

  4. Speckled Lemonade is the best thing about Red Robin because it actually has free refills!

  5. We were taken there on a missionary lunch. I liked it. Sort applebees type place but the food was good.

  6. It's great burgers...and free refills on fries!!

    Except that I don't eat fries anymore. :(
