Tuesday, June 06, 2006

is it or isn't it. it is.

I found out something today that kinda surprised me. My doctor asked me if I had been having any Braxton Hicks contractions. I told her that I didn't know. She said that I was probably having them without knowing it. She looked at my belly and said that I was having one right then. I had thought that it was just the baby stretching out. Apparently not.

It kinda scares me that I didn't realize that I was having a contraction. I am glad that it happened at my appt. because otherwise I would still be clueless. I had noticed my belly tighten at times though. I just thought the baby was growing or sticking his butt out at me. I enjoyed the thought that my son might be mooning me. : )

My doctor now thinks that I will have no trouble having the baby on my own (no inducing) around the first week of July. She thinks I will most likely be two weeks early. She didn't use the words that the baby has dropped, but she said that his head is probably as low as it can get right now. And she said that means that I would probably have the baby in four weeks. Wow.


  1. wow! I hope that you are able to have it without inducing. I wonder if I had the braxton hicks and didn't realize it too!? Hmmmm.

    I think it's funny that you pictured your baby mooning you! I would have never thought of that!

    BTW, cman has a friend in his class who is named Braxton. Can you imagine naming your baby girl that?! I guess that mom didn't intend to forget what she went through! Why not just name the kid false labor! or push?! or breathe?! (I'll stop now!:))

  2. Too funny, T! Sometimes I do wonder where people get their names for their children...lol!

    Golden, I think it was almost better to not know some of that stuff during the first pregnancy...and just let it works itself out. I was more aware of every little thing the second time around...and wondered...like you said...Is it or isn't it? =)

  3. A name like "False Labor" is perfect because you don't even have to think about the middle name.

  4. I thought that Braxton hicks was that school out the country that we played every year in sports.

  5. True story. There was a hispanic lady who delivered at my hospital who named her child "Placenta". She must have heard that word during the delivery. If I didn't know what it was, I would think that it was a pretty name too.
