Thursday, June 08, 2006

hospital stay

If you have read Dust's blog, then you know that I was in the hospital yesterday. I have never been admitted to a hospital before. It can be scary. Especially, when they ask questions like, "Do you have a living will?" Or, "Are you an organ donor?" I know those are just routine questions, but still.

I realized yesterday that you really have to take your own life into your hands. The squeeky wheel gets the grease. I had a hard time convincing two nurses on the phone that I was having contractions every 5 minutes. They said it was just Braxton Hicks and just wrote me off. I finally got an appointment and the nurse said, "Wow, it was just like you said." You really are having contractions every 5 minutes." "Duh," is my immediate thought. It was interesting being hooked up to a fetal monitor. The baby's heartbeat was fine. The graph that showed my contractions had consistant spikes every 5 minutes. The good thing through all of this was that I had not dialated. Because I was not going into active labor, the hospital released me after about 4 hours. I was dehydrated and I have a UTI, so that is the likely cause of contractions.

I am on bed rest until Monday. My doctor will re-evaluate me then. I can do light activity around the house. I plan on finalizing my hospital bag with everything. I am glad that I will probably have a little more time to get prepared for baby. There was a real chance that I could have had the baby yesterday. The nurses had prepared me mentally for that scenerio.

Keep me in the little one in your prayers!


  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    I'm praying for the both of you. I'm looking forward to meeting my nephew... but I know it's best if he can wait just a little while longer!

    He must get being early from you... because it's certainly not from Dust!!!

  2. Yes G, we're all praying for you here too. I wasn't "dissin'" you either! Everytime I tried to comment blogger was down!

    I hope you are able to relax and in a weird way enjoy some of the down time and the ultimate (dust serving you!:)) Is it still bed rest from the recliner?! :):)

  3. G-good to here everything is alright. You should live up this down time to the fullest, because you probably won't have time like this for quite a while.

    Besides, Dust need to get in gear. I was telling me how he was looking forward to cooking and couldn't wait. Maybe, you should give him a practice run.

  4. About cooking: Yeah. I can't wait. (No sarcasm here.)

    About the baby: I hope we can wait a few weeks.

  5. Life is really changing, isn't it? Be careful and be okay! Prayers.

  6. Yes, Golden, I had prayer coverage for you over this direction and up to Colorado!

    Sorry I hadn't been able to comment to you earlier...but I have been praying for you ever since T called me.

    Love you all!
