Sunday, May 07, 2006

outside of our comfort zone

Dust and I went to a breast-feeding class on Saturday that was 3 and 1/2 hours long! I apologize in advance if this makes some people uncomfortable. We were definitely uncomfortable during the class. The lady that taught the class seemed a little too excited about the subject. She was extremely loopy. She had a fake stuffed breast that she demonstrated on by putting it right on top of her own breast. She used a balloon to demonstrate how the different breast pumps worked. I was surprised that the balloon didn't pop.

The teacher passed around different styles of nursing bras for the class to look at. It was funny because the husbands handed them to their wives without looking at it. She also passed around "Soothies" for us to look at. They are jelly like inserts to relieve soreness.

We saw pictures of inverted and engorged nipples. It was disturbing looking at so many pictures of nipples. The pictures were of the teacher's patients. These women actually volunteered to have themselves photographed for a slide show that would be used for years to come!

We practiced holding baby dolls the correct way. At least I learned something there. Dust even had to practice with the doll too!

There were a lot of funny jokes and comics that were in the teacher's powerpoint presentation. That helped everyone deal with this embarrassing subject. We really needed some comic relief.
Got Milk?


  1. Got milk! I love it! I probabaly would have titled this post that! Yes, the whole breast vs. bottle fed babies. Dash has resorted to teasing me that our kids have allergies because I didn't bottle feed!

    Of course 11 years later, he can put it all on me and ignore that "we" decided to bottle feed verses breast feed. I guess we're a dieing breed, I really don't know any others who didn't breast feed. Kudos to those who go where I dared to not travel!

  2. I wholeheartedly commend you on this endeavor. I am the one that was not breast-fed by my mother...and I have had the most illnesses and allergies in my family. I do believe there is something to this theory.

    Even though T and I hold opposing views, I am very glad that I had the opportunity and the support from both sides of our families when I had my babies.

    There are some tricks to the feel free to ask me! I am not embarrassed by any means. I was so thrilled to find clothes that were designed to allow the ease and privacy of breast feeding.

  3. I don't really see it as "opposing views. I just see it as I chose not to breast feed and others choose too breast feed.

    I understand the theories of allergies etc, I also know many babies that were breast fed with allergies so I think (as we were taught in stats class) that you can always find the data and a way to present it to make your point.

    Basically I figure if you want to breast feed it is "Natures way" so as long as you produce the nutrients needed by the baby and you want to do it, great for you.

    I chose not to breast feed for many reasons, I think that while it's a decision people know publically you made, it's a private decision that you make with lots of factors to consider.

  4. Golden,
    I'm here if you need to talk, or need any advice. Go for the soothies. I still put them on every night.

  5. Forrest, did you see the lilypads? I found those were very interesting, probably because they looked and felt like one of those sticky toys you get for fifty cents in a vending machine.

    I have a few comments about the class.

    First, Golden and I have a joke between us that the way you make a pound of fat sexy is put a nipple on it. This class proved that idea untrue. What was shown was very... medical.

    Second, the class was largely an advertisement for the benefits of breastfeeding. I don't know that anyone who visited the class would not at least try it out of guilt.

    Finally, I really am glad I don't have to go to any more training on childbirth or breastfeeding. Its exhausting to go to classes constantly and at times almost as uncomfortable as using a trough urinal.

  6. I told you that you'd see some humongo nipples and they ain't pretty.

  7. Don't get me started on the crazy lactation ladies! Ooofta! Issues!

    (I mean the lactation consultants, not the mom's who breastfeed)

  8. You should get started. I am all ears.
