Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I have the same feelings about my house that Seminole does about hers. And since T brought up whining, I am in the mood to whine. I am really exhausted! I can't remember the last time that I cleaned the house. It has been that long. I haven't vacuumed in around two-three weeks. I want my house to be cleaned and organized but I just don't have the energy.

I have been working more hours than usual because I am training yet another person to do my job when I am on maternity leave. It is taking me longer to get my job done. I hate being behind on my work. There is no way that I am going to get everything done this week and I am just going to have to accept that.

I had a dr. appt. on Monday and I have another one tomorrow. I have another one next Tuesday and another one the following Tuesday! (pediatrician consultation, pre-admission for hospital, another sonogram)

I feel overwhelmed with everything that needs to get done before the baby gets here. I need to have a really good cry, get over it, and plug on. Thanks for letting me whine. I wish that made me feel better.


  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Tell Dust to get off his 4th point of contact and lend you a hand. He's been milking it (pardon the expression) for too long.

  2. It does sound like a sheer case of overload for you right now. I hope that you get the rest/energy you need soon. Just remember taking care of yourself is the priority to taking care of the house. Baby needs a happy, healthy momma:).

    My mom cleaned my house and my sister's house for us while we were in the hospital having our babies! What a blessing to come home to freshly mopped, vacuumed, dusted, wiped down, scrubbed home. I want to do that for N and C's wife--if she'll let me:), or at least hire a good maid service! :)

  3. Dust, it's time to step up.

  4. Unfortunately, once you have children, you have to learn to get used to the house not being together all the!

    Things are changing now that mine are old enough to help...and yes they ASKED to vacuum!!

    One thing I wished that I would have listened to when I was pregnant...was indeed, REST as much as you can NOW...before the baby is born...AND REST when the baby SLEEPS!!!!

  5. Some things will not get done - but that is fine!

  6. I wish I had some good advice. All I can say is I feel your pain!
