Wednesday, May 03, 2006

finding the right card

I have found that it is hard to find a good mother's day card. I usually go to several stores before I find a decent one. Grocery stores never have any good cards. Last year I went cheap and bought the 50 cent mother's day cards at Deals. I didn't want to go that cheap again this year. Those cards were a little lame. Our mothers and grandmothers expect cards. My grandmother prefers the ones that say grandmother on them.

I hit the jackpot at Target. They have really good humorous selections. My mom has said that she wants the funny cards. I used to buy all of our grandmothers the same card. This year I tried to match their personality more. I was quite proud because I think I nailed it. It takes me awhile to find the right one for Dust's mom. Dust said that I made a good pick.

The prices for some of the cards that I saw were outrageous! There was a grandmother card for $4.99! It came with a bookmark. I try not to buy cards that are over $3. The cards I bought were $2.59, and $2.99. Not bad.


  1. What I hate about cards is that it is so hard to know what to get for the people who care about cards. If you aver get me a card, all you have to do for me to like it is get a funny one. Filtering through the emotional "I'll never know anyone quite like you" cards is a chore, though. :)

    It's a good thing Golden usually takes care of that for me.

  2. I always go for the humorous cards. The home-made scrap-book looking card is nearly always gauranteed a good pluck on the heart-strings... and get the poem to put inside online somewhere...

  3. Cards, I like to get cards, but I never expect them. This year my mom sent me one and then my mom and sister sent me one! They had planned on trying to get my other sister and my brother's signature but weren't successful! It was cool to get those cards. I haven't gotten my mom a card yet. I don't get her one every year, I try to call her every year and most of the time I send her a letter or poem instead of a card from the store.

  4. We've been through this before, so here is your chance to get mad at me.

    Who really likes cards anyway???

    Okay, the funny ones are funny, but then what? So, I laughed - throw it in the trash. Cut out a comic from the sunday paper and glue it onto your note - same thing, a lot cheaper.

    I never read any of the emotional stuff and I don't buy into that. Why would anyone use someone elses words for a messaged to a loved one? Look for money - throw it in the trash.

    I guess what I don't like about cards is that they are suppose to be thoughtful, but they are so commercialized in a way to make it very unthoughtful. It is done out of duty and not thougtfulness. It is the duty and unthoughtfulness that I oppose. They are for lazy guys. Find a sentimental card for mom and then sign it.

    I like cards that are blank on the inside. That way, you are actually sending a message to someone and being thoughtful. And I am sure that all you guys write message in your cards and not just sign your name.

    Even my grandparents, send a homeade card with one of grandpa's watercolors for an image and write a message/letter on the inside.

    Actually, in my family, my sister and i don't do cards, we made a rule to use the $1.50 and buy a 2 liter and put a message on the coke.

    Sorry for ranting.

  5. I believe she said in her post that her family likes/expects cards! :) So obviously some people do!

    My mom likes to give cards, so I appreciate the ones I get from her, I know she spent time looking for them and everyonce in a while she will point out one that she sent that was particularly special to this years birthday card I just got. I will keep it in a file with the others and yes, I even reread them once in a while! Not every year even, but occasionally.

    I am not as into cards as my mom, but she also feels that she finds cards that put words to her feelings that she would not be able to do without the card. I don't usually have that problem! :) :) I do like the coke idea. That's cool.

  6. You have to remember that I am a guy writing this from a guys perspective. Generally, giving cards is not a hobby that we like to do.

    My motto: Instead of finding the right card, be the right card.


    And part of my fustration goes back to the Christmas card exchange at church.

  7. In the future, I am going to have my son make the cards. I prefer homemade cards. Dust knows that so he frequently makes me cards.

  8. I bet dust can come up with some real witty cards.

  9. #1- I used to LOVE cards. I could spend hours in Hallmark finding the absolutely perfect card that said exactly the right thing in a way that I'm not clever enough to think of. The problem with my love of the store is that for several years, everytime I got a card, I would look at the front and immediately laugh/smile/say "aww" or whatever because I remembered what the inside said. I'd read like every card in the store. Now, I have 3 kids, and cards- and Hallmark- are a thing of the past.

    #2- Some people DO like getting cards. I used to be one of them. I wanted a card "to mom" once I had my baby. Valentine's Day was the first "card" type holiday after she was born, no card. Then, no card for mother's day. It was annoying. Now I get like 15 homemade cards from 2 of my kids for EVERY holiday imaginable, and I've figured out that it's not all that. I think I must be hard to please

  10. Better make sure that Dust knows that he is the one who has to ensure that you get a "mother-to-be" card this year!

    It's harder when there is not the second parent to help the kids pick out a card for their!

    Now that mine are older, they are making one, I think? ...maybe I should hint... =)
