Sunday, April 02, 2006


My parents and my brother came to visit today. My brother's birthday was a few days ago and he wanted to go out to eat with the entire family. My mother doesn't want me to travel in a car to come see them until after the baby is born. She was very excited to see the size of my belly.

When my brother comes to see me, he also goes and visits a friend. This friend is in the nearby prison facilities. His friend, "Jon", got busted for drug dealing. He took a longer sentence in order to be in a better facility. My brother is doing a great ministry by visiting his friend in prison. I keep thinking about the verse about the sheep and the goats in Matthew. "I was in prison and you came to visit me." "Jon" was a close friend of my brother's in high school. My brother noticed that "Jon" had an A/G quarterly at school and went to talk to him. They were co-speakers together at their H.S. graduation. "Jon's" life really went downhill after that.

My brother always wants to eat at BD's Mongolian BBQ when he is here. That is also my favorite restaurant so that works out well. I enjoyed the visit with my family. We had some good laughs and good food.


  1. mongolian bbq sounds good. I haven't had it in a while. I have never been to BD's. I usually go Ghenghis Kahn on 39th and Bell street.

  2. It's great to spend time with family. In addition to eating at Martin City's Jack's Stack (my favorite restaurant for BBQ!) We also went shopping Saturday night and I helped my sis pick out a new outfit! That was fun!

    Yes, it's great that your brother is able be an influence to his friend. That's cool.

  3. How fun! My inlaws are coming this weekend and we too are going out to eat. Chucky Cheese anyone? (Enjoy BD's while there's still time!)

  4. By the way .. my new favorite BBQ is Smokestack leftovers with KC Masterpiece sauce.
