Tuesday, April 04, 2006

proof of who you are

I have been considered an independent contractor at my work for the last two years, but now I am going to become an employee. I filled out my W-4 form. Dust asked me if they took a copy of my drivers license and social security card. He said that at every place that he has worked at they have made a copy of his drivers license and social security card. Not one of my previous/present employers have requested a copy. I could be lying about who I am and what my social security number is. It is either very trusting or very dumb that no employer of mine has ever asked me to prove who I am. Maybe if I looked foreign they might have requested ID.

I was just curious about everyone else's experiences. Have you had to show ID when starting a new job?


  1. yup. They have to have copies of all that if they are insured, or insuring you. Maybe with it being a small company it's not required? I think it should be though.

  2. Does this mean that Golden is an undocumented worker?

    I guess the good news is that the baby will be born here ... so he won't have to be deported when the INS shows up.

    Dust on the other hand will flunk the "identify the flag colors" portion of the citizenship test and be forced to become a member of the "Fence Mending" quasi-patriots that are reinforcing the border with razor wire.

  3. I've always had to do that, until my present position. Actually now I am a non-entity in the employment world. I am the wife of... not an employee in my own right. Though I do go to an office...
