Thursday, April 06, 2006

country music

I was craving some new music this past weekend. For some reason I have been getting into the music of Johnny Cash. When I told Dust, he said that he liked the song "Hurt." He showed me the music video of the song on his laptop. After seeing that, I bought the Legend of Johnny Cash CD.

I get excited to watch American Idol every week. I learn something new about music every time I watch because I was sheltered from "secular" music as a kid. I am learning what singer wrote/sang particular songs. The theme was country music this week on Idol. I have a question for the country music buffs out there. What does "walk the line" mean? I heard the lyrics, "Any man of mine, better walk the line." And of course the Johnny Cash song, "I walk the line." Does it mean going down the aisle and getting married?

I am planning on renting the movie "Walk the Line" soon.


  1. Walk the line is not a country music question and technically CASH is not country music. I know he has been lumped in with the country crowd, but his style (now that we have many labels) is more of what we call americana or roots. Don't get me wrong there are leanings into country, but there are also leanings into rock, rockabilly, and even folk (and a little hip-hop.)

    Walk the line means your on the verge of crossing the so called line in the sand or the line that veers off the strait and narrow.

    Boy, you're walking the line. You better shape up or you end up in the county jail.

  2. "Walk the line" also refers to the painted line (usually yellow)in the prison hallways that prisoners are supposed to follow when moving about.

    From this perspective the song shows a long-distance relationship and self-commitment to beign captive to his love inspite in the seperation.

  3. I just saw that the movie is out! I can't WAIT to see it! I grew up watching all the "old country" (Garth Brooks and after are "New Country"--or "not country" in my opinion!)

  4. I just watched "Walk the Line!" It's great! I thought it was neat to get caught up on the early years because I grew up watching Johnny and June as a child. I think it would be neat if they did a follow up movie of the 35 years they were married. That would be great.

  5. I remember being about five years old and hearing my aunt and uncles talk about Cash's "Ring of Fire" reference. It was after church and they were whispering... But for pure-on country listen to Merle Haggard!

  6. Yeah, I didn't know until I watched the movie last night that Cash toured with Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis, June Carter, and Walin Jennings all at the same time! They were all on the same record label! Weird!

  7. I always think of "walking the line" as behaving yourself. And Forrest, I think you could put half the country singers today into many different categories besides just country. (and no- crappy music is not one I'm thinking!)

    Golden- who's your favorite on AI?

  8. Seminole, My favorite A.I. is Chris Daughtry. He rocks!
