Sunday, April 09, 2006

new foods

Last week I tried a food that I had never had before. I never grew out of my kid phase of thinking if the food looked gross it probably tasted gross. I had mentioned to my brother and his friend that I had never tasted shrimp before. I think all seafood looks gross. I was dared to try it and I usually give in to dares when pressured. The shrimp tasted like fatty chicken to me. Eating shrimp wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. Next, my brother's friend dared me to try squid. I told him no because it looked like an octupus. He said how about trying junior octupus. He pulled up a smaller version of the first one off of his plate onto mine. With some more pressure from my brother I gave in and ate it. I didn't quite care for it. I made a face and quickly ate something else to cover it up. I am proud that I tried both of those dishes. Who knows, I might order some shrimp at a restaurant in the future.


  1. I tried a scallop off dashes plate the other day! I found out that I REALLY still dislike seafood! Just call me midwestern land based if it's got feet I'll eat it girl!

  2. Any time I eat fish I am reminded that I don't like seafood. Thing is I can handle calamari, shrimp, clam, and crab. I just don't prefer it.

  3. Good job G, you are really growing up! Now that you soon will be parents, you got to be brave so that your kids will have an open mind to food.

  4. My parents always made me taste everything growing up. Of course now, seafood has taken on a whole new dimension. In the state's your seafood is sanitized. Here, it usually has the head and legs, or shell attached. You have to be pretty hardy.
