Wednesday, April 12, 2006

birthing video and massage

Last night was the "birthing video" night at our childbirth class. I was so thankful that they were not that graphic. It went through the story of three couples. All the women were covered up for the most part. When the baby was actually delivered, the camera was back far enough that you didn't see too much detail. None of the women were on a surgical table with stirrups. That was always my image of giving birth taken from television. The women were allowed to walk around and change positions frequently. And sitting on the toilet seemed to help some with the pushing part.

After watching the videos, we did some floor work. I sat down on our sleeping bag and Dust sat in a chair behind me. The other two couples there did the same thing. The instructor lead us through various massage techniques that the husband gave to his wife. It seemed a little weird after awhile. Kind of like a guided group make-out session without the kissing. We have been laughing about that situation since last night.


  1. Glad the video didn't frighten you, but instead enlightened you! :)

  2. I was scared to watch those videos, but they weren't too bad. Graphic, but not bad.

  3. It was a good thing to watch the videos, but I am amazed that some women are ok with the camera capturing that much of the delivery.

  4. Do we have to be pregnant in order to take that class?

  5. I think it is preferred. :)

  6. You could prolly find one in your local library.

    Watchout for the breastfeeding video, that on is quite shocking!!!

  7. Hey ... we never got a video!

    Of course I'm still traumatized from 9th grade Biology. One minute it looks like the opening credits of 'Look Who's Talking', then BAMM - it's a Sigourney Weaver flick.

  8. Are you referring to Alien?

  9. Well I wasn't going to specify Alien. I could, for example, have been talking about "Dave".
