Sunday, April 16, 2006

Topeka Trip

Dust and I took a trip to Topeka, KS this weekend. We needed to get away before we have the baby. Dust is also doing a post on our trip but don't worry it won't feel like a repeat. We are doing different pictures and stories. On Good Friday, we toured the KS state capitol building. There were two groups of elementary school students there on a field trip. We felt kinda weird being with the kids tour group. I usually blend in with groups of kids, but my pregnant belly distinguished myself apart from them. The guide talked in a little kid voice and taught them songs. We decided to leave the group and walk around on our own.

Saturday, we went to the Topeka zoo. All the animals were out and about. I think the weather made them all stir crazy because there was a chance for rain. There was a tropical rain forest exhibit inside of a dome. This blue peacock like bird flew out in front of me and landed. I screamed because it startled me. There were a couple of toucan like birds flying around also. It was a cool experience.

We were able to get really close to all the animals. I thought this picture of the hippo was neat. He had been floating around in the water and just decided to get up. Overall, the zoo was really small. We walked around the entire park and was done in an hour and a half. We even went around some areas twice to make sure we didn't miss a pathway to something else. We took our time also. I sat down on at least four benches throughout the park. I liked this zoo more than the KC one. I hate doing a lot of walking. : ) I will let Dust talk about the other things we did. I was very pleased with our little weekend vacation.


  1. Glad you had a fun trip. N said she hadn't seen you in a while. She asked me if you were showing yet! I told her YUP! I think walking around on your own would be more fun then the guided kid tour! (But I am a rebel!)

  2. The bird startled both of us. It looked like it was going into attack mode, and I had just read a sign that warned not to pet the animals because they bite.

    Also, there are few animals that look as humorous as a hippo.

  3. In all honesty, I am curious to know why you hate walking. Maybe you can post on it someday. It feels good to me to get out and walk and so natural too! It saddens me to think that if I don't watch it I go from sitting all day in the office to coming home and sitting all night. -That's why America is so unhealthy and I am trying to change my behavior and become more healthy. Sorry, I got off on a rant.

    Anyway, Topeka! When I was 6 I lived in topeka and used to go to that zoo all the time.

    Later, in college, one of my design studios went to the zoo to sketch animals. I love the elephants. They are great to draw with their wrinkles and saggy skin. It was quite enjoyable- going to the zoo and pulling out the sketch book and really studying the animal.

  4. A lot of why I don't like walking is that I'm just lazy. The other part is that I have a low stamina. My little body can't take much walking. I think there is something wrong with my hip socket. My mom and brother always told me that I walked weird. They said it looks like there is some kind of catch in my hip area when I walk.
