Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I recently watched the Prince & Me. It starred Julia Stiles as a pre-med major that falls in love with the Prince of Denmark. Dust started out watching it with me, but then got annoyed with the movie. I am always a sucker for the teeny bopper chick flicks. Someday I am going to have to grow up and stop watching them.

So, I received the sequel, The Prince & Me: The Royal Wedding. It was next on our queue at Blockbuster. It didn't even star Julia Stiles!! Why would you even bother with a sequel if the original actress is not in it? The chick that played her character was lame. I kept thinking the whole time that I liked Julia Stiles playing Paige Morgan better. This other chick couldn't pull of the "edginess" that Julia brought to the character. This chick was too "barbie doll." Now that I think about it, I don't remember the sequel in the theatres. It must have gone straight to video. That tells you something about the movie.


  1. I have to point out that my frustration with the first movie was the assumption that emotional attachment equals love. Golden has to put up with a lot when she watches movies with me.

  2. Yeah Dust, sometimes you just need to shut it off and enjoy the movie.

    Suspension of disbelief comes easily for me therefore I don't have many hang-ups when it comes to movie. It becomes a matter of whether it was entertaining or not.

    I admit, I watched the movie several year ago. I usually like the characters that Julia Stiles plays.

  3. Yeah, I watched the Prince and Me, it was a cute movie. BUT I did not fall prey to the sequal! I saw it and went "cool" and then I saw her picture and I said "what?" N said, yeah, it's not the same girl. I said, "Never mind!" Sounds like we lucked out!

  4. Steven Segal's Under Seige 2 was a great sequel. This time instead of fighting terrorist who have taken over a naval ship and plan to reek havoc on the world, he fights terrorist who have taken over a train and plan to reek havoc on the world...oh and his daughter is on board.

  5. what an original concept for a segal movie! Maybe in his next movie .. he could be a cop who's partner has been killed.

    that would be neat to see - oh and maybe he could wear his hair in a ponytail .....

  6. I've become a movie mooch. There are rentals here but many of the Americans tend to collect movies and thus lend them. I brought something like 20 home from the bosses house. I really should go get a rental card...
