Sunday, April 23, 2006

woes of pregnancy

I am trying not to talk about baby stuff on every post that I do. My pregnancy does consume most of my thoughts and actions throughout the day, though. Last night I had a hard time sleeping. I woke up at 2 am and found Dust still awake with the tv and laptop going. I was having heartburn. The baby is putting a lot of pressure now on my rib cage and sternum. I also haven't been able to sleep on my left side. My left hip really hurts and it makes my leg numb and tingly when I sleep on my side. I have decided that I can't sleep in the bed anymore like it is. I have tried two pillows but I don't think it's good enough. I am going to start trying to sleep on the couch or recliner and see how that works.

Monday morning I have to take the glucose tolerance test. I am not looking forward to it. I have always struggled with blood sugar problems. I am a little nervous about the outcome, but I know I can deal with it.

Our last childbirth class is Tuesday night!! We are going to talk about caesaren births. Last week we talked about epidurals. An epidural scares me a little. I do want some kind of pain medication though. I have a lot to think about. I have been doing a lot of reading about the subject.


  1. That's my boy Dust...up at 2am. I should call some friday night at 2 to see what is going on.

    Golden - good luck. I don't know what else to say.

  2. Golden is currently trying to fall asleep on the couch to see if that works. There is a possibility I could lose my recliner at night. :-O

    On Tuesday we cover cesarian delivery. I have a feeling that will make me more queesy than what we have already been over.

  3. Hope you find something that will work and help you get the rest you need. It's a real bummer to be uncomfortable while pregnant.

  4. Talk about it all you want. It goes with the territory right now. Hang in there! I had a friend who had the challenges with the blood sugar separate from pregnancy too. She did have to modify her diet the last 3 months but other than that it was fine.

  5. Please continue to post about your pregnancy...its far better than hearing about my illnesses...LOL!

    1. Ask your doctor for the "sprite" flavored glucose test...they should have it specifically for the pregnant mom's. (Much better than the orange flavored one)

    2. Get a full-length Body Pillow at Target. (you will want this after the baby is born you and to keep little one safer on the bed in the beginning)

    3. Try Pepcid Complete (if your doc will let you) I am the queen of trying ALL anti-acids on the market!!! The one that I did like for immediate relief was Gaviscon REGULAR. (Do NOT get the cherry flavored ones...they don't dissolve the same)

    4. Get some Lavendar Baby Wash for your baths (only a buck at Wal-mart) to help relax your muscles before going to still helps with my aching old bones! =)

    Call me if you want anymore ideas!

  6. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Grace and I hope it goes well. Just make sure Shakedust remembers your name if you choose Nubain.

  7. Pregnancy heart burn is the worst! Just know that the second the baby is born, the heartburn is gone! Tums work okay, Gaviscon is gross but works better!

    Try a body pillow for sleeping position, sometimes they help.

    Epidurals are wonderful things!

    Good luck!
