Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"I'm still the baby"

I came across the scene to the right just a few minutes ago. I went into the baby's room and turned on the light to find some more hangers in the closet. To my surprise, Autum was sitting comfortably in the car seat stroller. Is she trying to tell me something? I have been telling her the last few months that she isn't the baby anymore. I have a strong feeling there is going to be some jealousy issues.

I keep going back and forth on whether or not to keep Autum. I had my mind set many months ago that I needed to get rid of her. It is becoming harder and harder now to giver her up. However, I am afraid she will get on top of the baby and suffocate it. I worry about this because she sleeps on my head almost every night, but I am able to move my head. A baby can't. Aah! What do I do? Does anybody want a cat?


  1. Too funny! Great pic too...definately worth a thousand words...lol!

    I have heard of some pets having issues/actions/reactions when people have gotten divorced...just like kids needing the attention...so I guess it could happen with pet jealousy?

    My main concern would be for you while pregnant and around the cat. Then there are allergy issues for the new baby too that could arise. Just be patient and see if you need to get rid of her.

  2. Sorry we all have allergies here. Maybe you could put an add up on the announcements at church...One soon to be mom looking to find good home for her first baby...Autumn the cat. I think I would include this picture with the ad right below it! :) Someone's bound to say ...I'll take her!

    See, those marketing classes didn't go to waste! :) :) :)

  3. I know this sounds silly, but can't you just close the door and keep the cat out of the baby's room when his is sleeping?

  4. Yeah, I could do that Forrest. I am an old softie, though. My cat whines when I close my bedroom door and I am sleeping inside. I give in and let her in. I am going to have to learn to toughen up if I am going to be a good parent.

  5. not to change the subject, but ...

    It looks like Dust forgot to replace the receptacle plate on the wall behind the stroller.

    If you don't think you'll be plugging something in that rececptacle, consider putting a blank plate (with no plug holes) on instead.

    They cost the same as a regular plate and you won't have to mess with those annoying baby-proof plug-plugs that one little guy I know of had no problem with.

  6. When we got Autum we were told that we shouldn't let her into new rooms right away. When she started meowing at the door she was let in within two minutes.

    About the receptacle. It's not forgetfulness. It's laziness.

    We'll think about the plate. I am not sure how much stuff we are going to need to plug in yet.

  7. We were told we can't have pets in our house... blah....

  8. My cat was my baby. You'll be okay with shutting the door soon, I promise!

  9. Don't give Autum up too fast. She's had two homes already and it may take some adjustment for her. Water bottles(to spray bad behaviour) and shut doors do wonders. We had cats growing up and it worked out. If she doesn't have major behaviour issues now, she may work out. If the baby has allergies that's another issue, but cross that bridge when you get there.
