Sunday, March 26, 2006

My weekend

Friday night Dust and I watched the movie Elizabethtown. I enjoyed the story. And also the actors: Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan Sarandon. Dust usually watches one of his movies after we have watched an "us" movie. I went to bed and he watched Doom.

Saturday Dust did some touch-up painting on the baby's room. I was very anxious to get the wallpaper border on. I decided to hang it on the middle of the wall. We have never put up wallpaper before, so it was a new experience for both of us. It was prepasted which made it easier. Dust has a very good eye for lining things up straight. We marked on the walls with a pencil on where we wanted it. I let him guide and position the paper while I helped hold it up. I am very pleased with the outcome. We watched yet another movie Saturday night. Shanghai Noon with Owen Wilson, Jackie Chang, and Lucy Lui. I liked it more than I thought I would. I tend to like some western movies because I was predisposed to them by my father.

Sunday morning we went to two Sunday School classes instead of going to the main worship service. The parenting class was interesting even though we haven't experienced parenting yet.

Sounds like an uneventful weekend. At least we accomplished getting the painting/wallpaper done. And watched some movies.


  1. Those weekends are the gravy of life and the days we treasure!

  2. We went to the service and it was pretty good. They guy was actually funny and his message was practical.

  3. Copying us and our two Sunday School class mornings? Wish we could pop by. Send a picture of the baby's room!

  4. sounds like a great weekend to me :)!

  5. Hey, I watched Doom that weekend too!

    I really enjoyed elizabethtown.

    Does anybody else think that the guy on the apprentice "Tark???" looks like Orlando Bloom?

  6. Doom was a fun brainless movie. That's how I have to prepare for a day of touching up paint and applying trim.
