Saturday, March 11, 2006

You might be a redneck...

My mom and I were looking through some old pictures about a month ago. I came across one that really cracked me up. It was a picture of my Dad's birthday party. I was about 3 1/2 and my brother was about 1 1/2 years old. All three of us are sitting around the kitchen table with no shirts on. My mom was the one that took the picture. It probably was a hot day that September. Dad was holding up his homemade birthday cake. The picture looked so white trash to me. We were poor but happy.

If you sit around the kitchen table without a shirt on at a birthday might be a redneck.


  1. That's hilarious. I heard a joke about an old couple - she couldn't get her husband to come to the dinner table with his shirt on. So one day she just gets up and goes in the other room and comes back without her shirt too. So he gets up and goes and puts a shirt on!

  2. Post the picture, so we can all laugh.

  3. Was your lawn taller then your car?
    Does your family tree have not branch out?
    Do you have several cars that are sitting on stone blocks?
    You might be a rednick

  4. I remember the days of barefeet, holy jeans and nothing else but dirt and tire swings!

  5. Especially, when we have pics of little girls without shirts!
