Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Dust told me this morning that I sneeze pretty loud. It is not a normal sneeze. It is a big production of AAA-choooo! I admit that I did put a bit of drama into it. It feels a lot better to do that than to try to hold it in. I have been battling a cold since last Saturday. Yesterday it felt like it turned into really bad allergies. I have been so miserable I can hardly stand it. I feel like I need to whine and complain about it. : ) I told Dust that I wanted to stay in my bad mood. He sorta told me to take my bad mood to another room.


  1. Dust- you told her!

    I have been fighting a bit of a head cold. Maybe it is the change in weather.

  2. The weather change does seem to bring stuff on, and I guess you can't take anything right now for it. I sneeze loud too. Dar teases me about my church sneezes. I almost always have a loud sneeze every time I'm in church.

  3. Roamer does have a church-sneeze. When it happens we just nod at each other. I'm afraid I have a cold now, or it could be allergies, new places have new pollens and dust mites.

  4. Well, I told her more indirectly than is implied. :)
