Sunday, March 19, 2006

"Silly Old Bluebirds"

I struggled a bit on what color to paint the baby's room. I was going back in forth between "Bibbidi Bobbodi Blue," "Blustery Day" and "Silly Old Bluebirds." These were the names of the Disney brand paint colors to describe a sky/periwinkle blue. Dust was a bit sarcastic about the names. I settled on "Silly Old Bluebirds" and I am glad that I did. It looks like it will go well with the wallpaper border I bought.

Dust and I were a great team in painting the room. I did some of the rolling with the bigger paint rollers and Dust came behind me with a brush and did the borders. My sinuses were so bad that I couldn't really smell the paint. We opened the window and had the ceiling fans going for air circulation. I was a little nervous about painting because people have mixed opinions on whether you should paint when you are pregnant. The mothers that I talked to had painted their babies' rooms when they were pregnant.

It didn't take us long to get the room painted. I think we officially started painting at 11 am on Saturday and Dust finished around 3:45 pm. We still have to put the wallpaper border on. I thought we should give the room time to dry out before we did that.


  1. I have always been intrigued by the names given to colors. This started with the Lands End catalogue and T-shirts that were "heather grey" and "lodestone yellow" or something like that. It is interesting that adjectives can be used to enhance a color. I'm all for it. Disney colors sound fun!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. You'll have to post a picture once it's all set up so we can see too. Sounds like you made fast work of it!

  4. Bluebird always has a negative meaning to me since the "bluebird" reading group was the slowest of all the birds. I was a robin - but I envied the cardinals.

  5. Yum - the fresh paint smell. (yuck!)

  6. Yay the babies room is painted! I can't wait to see it! :) When do the choo choo's arrive?! Chuga Chuga Chuga Chuga Choo Choo!
