Wednesday, March 22, 2006

"The Benchwarmer"

I saw previews last night for the new movie "The Benchwarmer." Dust said to come to the tv because I would probably like this movie because Jon Heder from Napoleon Dynamite is in it. I did like what I saw.

I then told Dust that I was a benchwarmer also. I played on a softball team in sixth grade. It was extremely embarrassing because I was consistently the benchwarmer alongside with the girl from special ed. The special ed girl, Paula, always made me play catch with her before the game. She threw really weird and I always had trouble catching the ball. That made me look even worse as a player. She was left handed which maybe contributed to my problem in catching the ball.

There was one game that I actually got to play in because a lot of girls were absent. I covered third base. To everyone's surprise, I actually caught a fly ball hit to me which gave the other team an out! I did ok covering third base also. I hope the coach felt bad about leaving me on the bench all season.


  1. I saw the preview last night and after laughing at seeing the Napolean Dynomite guy in another movie, I felt bad for Jon Heder. As expected, I looks like he is being typecast as another Napolean Dynomite. Good or bad? I don't know.

    Another reason I feel bad for his is that it is a Rob Snider movie. That is about as bad as being in a movie with Pauley Shore.

  2. correction:

    him not his

  3. That's too bad that you didn't have a chance earlier in the season to show the coach you could be more valuable to the team. Bummer

  4. Looking back at my limited time in the (very minor) leagues, I'm wishing that I could have warmed the bench more than I did.

    Fly balls do not land 6 inches from you - and parents do not scream at you - and kids do not laugh at you when you are looking at the cool cloud formations from the bench.

    When you do that in left field ... it scars you for life.

  5. I had some bench warming episodes. One included an embarrasing 4 second time put into a basketball game. 4 seconds, come on. The other long season of bench warming that still rubs me the wrong way was in college which is way too old to have an experience like that it sticks with you.

  6. I warmed the bench in football. I didn't play enough baseball to warm the bench there.

  7. I wrestled in high school (105 lbs.) It was understood that I could never win but by a forfeit because the other team wouldn't have my weight class. I got my nose warmed alot on the mat when another small guy would show up.

  8. I didn't even get to be a bench warmer. I went to a small high school, so everyone who "tried out" made the team. I tried out for volleyball. The coach called my uncle and told him that he wouldn't recommend wasting the money on volleyball shoes and equipment. I had to be the manager. How sad for me. (There was a silver lining though, my best friend to this day was the other manager!)

  9. Is this "bench" that you all are refering to that thing we sat on during timeouts?

    I am glad that other were keeping the seats warm.

