Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Anger management

Have you ever wanted to yell, "I quit," to your boss? I think most people have that fantasy at least once in their life. I know I scared Dust when I told him that's what I wanted to yell at my former boss and supervisor. It also scared him when I would say that I could really chew somebody out right now.

I have a tendency to bottle up anger inside of me. Sooner or later it all comes out at once. When I get angry, I prepare what I am going to say ahead of time. Sometimes that helps me to calm down. Today, I was angry and had my angry speech all prepared. If my boss happened to mention something again, I was going to tell him how I felt. He didn't bring it up and I didn't either.

I made a stupid decision today at work. When I realized how stupid it was, I immediately called my boss. He always wants me to call him on his cell if anything important happens. I told him what I did, explained that I wasn't thinking clearly, and apologized. He was really angry, which I could see why. What made me mad was that he didn't really accept my apology. If someone admits a mistake to me and apologizes, I would say I accept your apology or that's ok, I understand. He probably thinks I am a complete idiot. It's just the pregnancy hormones because I haven't been able to think clearly at all lately.


  1. I'm a bottler too. I can't count the times I've rehearsed my angry speech, but truly I almost never have had the nerve to use them. Not that I haven't said things, just not the things I rehearsed!

  2. Nasty grams...someone should make a business out of selling them.

    Not that I've ever written one! :) But I can imagine how one might go! :) :) :) I have a REALLY good imagination!

  3. I am a bottler sometimes too. Golden is a few steps beyond me, though.

  4. Golden, did you make a million dollar mistake or forget to put in the order for toilet paper? Because maybe he had to go real bad when he got back to the office and realized that he would not be able to wipe. If that was the case, I am not sure I'd accept your apology either. :)

  5. From what I hear, he generally has enough newspaper with him when he goes that being short on TP wouldn't be the end of the world. :)

  6. maybe he has a rash and is real irritable.

    (this is bad)

  7. I had several "take-this-job-and-shove-it" fantasies earlier this year when I almost went to a different company. Lucily, I was able to restrain myself since it turned out to not be as much of a sure thing as I had expected.

    My favorite part (of the fantasy) was when I would tell my boss that I hoped she kept all of my regular reports and emails since I had deleted all of the project files before dancing on the remains of my desk.

  8. EWWW! EWWW! We don't need to here about fantasies. Especially if you are dancing on you desk in front of your boss.

    J/K - it's funny to hear people use the word fantasy. Like "hey, do you want to join my FANTASY football leauge?" "Sure, let me grab my MAGIC cards."

  9. My mistake was telling the UPS delivery man to take the Dell computers up to our new office on the 6th floor. There were men still working on the office and the doors were unlocked. I realized how easily someone could take off with the computers and called my boss. He came back and moved the computers himself with a dolly.

  10. I've had those hormones alot lately. I am now afraid because when the bottle breaks and I start flexing my fingers for a piece of good sturdy hickory it takes alot of effort not to behave like a human-being. Good bosses are hard to find. I think it is worth it to stay in an underpaying job with a good boss than to get a good paying job with a lousy boss.

  11. It really is the hormones, Golden. I remember when I was working as a teller at a credit union when I was first pregnant...I couldn't seem to get anything right. And of course, I got written up for running to the restroom to get sick and leaving the customer in line. I was like, what do you want me to do? Upchuck on the customer? Okay, I will do that next time...LOL!

    But even this week at my current work, there was an error in information, but it was from our girl in the region office that is also don't all blows over! Just be glad you have an excuse to blame it on right now...I say work it for all you got!! J/K!
