Saturday, March 04, 2006


I like listening to people who talk with an accent. I get a real kick out of the southern accent. There are two contestants on American Idol that talk with a deep southern accent. I believe they are from Kentucky or Tennessee. Kelly Pickler couldn't pronounce calamari and had never eaten it before. Bucky wanted his sweet tea. He said he didn't understand the menus in Hollywood. The only things he recognizes on the menu is vegetables and rice. They call their mashed potatoes "smashed potatoes". Crack me up!

I heard so many different accents in college. E.U. had students from all over the U.S. What surprised me the most was when people said that I had an accent. I realized that I have a tendency to hold out vowel sounds in words. Dust laughs when I say the word cement. Think of how the "Beverly Hillbillies" pronounce their "cement pond" in the backyard. That is how I say it.

I have some relatives that live in Michigan and I always enjoy talking with them on the phone. They do not hold out the vowel sounds at all. My grandfather who is still living resides in Michigan. He likes to go fishing a lot. I crack up when he pronounces the type of fish called croppie. He says crappie. It makes me laugh because he is a minister and some people consider the word crap as a cuss word.


  1. Missouri is not quite the south, but I always enjoyed the fact that the accents were almost southern in Springfield. Not quite, though.

  2. Oh yeah...I'm all about accents these days. We were watching an Evanescence (sp?) video and I was shocked when the rockin out drummer had a deep south accent.

    The people in the south of Spain have a way different accent, they drop the last letter of words a lot too. Leaves big holes for us learners. Also the accents in Madrid are easier to understand than in Tarragona where we were before.

  3. I LOVE to talk the sweet Georgia accent. But my hubby HATES it! I always thought guys liked girls from the south? Guess I got me a yankee! Maybe it's his Michigan ancestry coming out in him! It sure isn't OK or MO!:)

    The kids like it, so I pull it out and use it with them...They're picking it up nicely!

  4. I do not like the southern accent. I know it's shallow, but they sound uneducated and not very intelligent. I know that's not true, but...

  5. I was trying to be nice, but forrest's reasoning is the same reason dash doesn't like them. I just tell him...yes you are correct--you are wrong! Out of respect, I keep most of my playing around with accents limited to when he's gone.

  6. leave it to me to not be nice, but I admitted my stereotype is not true.

  7. "but I admitted my stereotype is not true."

    :) I noticed that forrest! I understand where you are coming from. :)

    --And, I was trying to be nice to dash and not point out his opinions. But I figured if another person voiced them I could speak for him, since he only gets around to the blogs once in a while!
