Wednesday, March 01, 2006

another one bites the dust (not referring to my hubby)

I tried to put on a pair of pants yesterday only to find out that I can't zip them anymore. In some ways that is exciting because that means the baby is getting bigger inside of me. The not so exciting part is that is one more pair of pants that I can't wear anymore. Not to brag, but I don't ever remember not being able to fit in a pair of pants. I must have had that experience as a child or teenager, but I don't remember it. I remember having pants that were too short for me. I know that's hard to believe that I would have outgrown the length. I don't remember not being able to zip up a pair of pants anymore. It is an interesting change.

I always liked having new clothes each school year growing up. I must have gotten rid of the clothes before I outgrew them. Looking back at that it seems a bit shallow. If there was an outfit that I had worn the year before, I usually didn't wear it that often. Now, I can't afford to have a new wardrobe each year.

I have started separating my closet into clothes I can and cannot wear anymore. I know I shouldn't get rid of the clothes I can't wear. I will probably fit back into them by the end of the year.


  1. I have been pushing it with a couple of my pairs of jeans as well. It's sympathy weight I am sure.

  2. Good idea to hold onto the clothes for a while, like you said--you'll be back in them in no time!

    Really, you wouldn't wear something you wore the year before? I can't relate! I wore and still wear my favorite stuff over and over.
