Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I have a lot of thoughts about these last couple of days regarding my grandfather's funeral. I don't want to bore anyone with the details. I also don't want to air all the dirty laundry for all of blogland to see. Here are some random thoughts in bullet form.
  • Don't waste years holding anger inside of you. Forgive and forget. It is easier said than done. : ) Reconcile relationships with family.
  • Seize the day! Do whatever it is that you have always wanted to do.
  • Don't do things under obligation. Get out of things that you don't want to be in.
  • Tell your loved ones that you love them.
  • There really needs to be a funeral director that directs "traffic" at the coffin at the viewing. There has to be a better system. Maybe the family shouldn't stand at the coffin to greet people. They should stand at the doorway.
  • A funeral home employee was at the gravesite after the funeral to catch people that had not signed the guestbook the night before. There was no one else around and I asked her if relatives could sign the book now. I didn't get a chance to sign it the night before. She told me that I could sign it later once we got the book back. How rude! I couldn't believe that she wouldn't let me sign it. Not even ten minutes later, my mother hollars for me to come and sign the book. My father was signing it and he handed it to me. I signed it and handed it back to the lady. I bet she felt stupid.


  1. wow. The book signing thing. At my granddad's funeral we all went early to the "viewing" and signed it then. So the family were the first to sign it. I don't really know who ended up with the book not that my gma is in a nursing home? To your other points, I concur. Weird how a funeral can put things in perspective.

  2. It was insane how much traffic there was. Golden's grandfather had many, many friends.

  3. I am not sure what to think of funeral directors. They give me the creeps, at least the one we dealt with for my Grandpa's funeral a few years ago. The tone of his voice, the hyper-sensitivity to his questions (i know that's there job and probably what grieving people need), but to me he seemed like a fake, used car salesman. I don't like being patronized.

  4. Ok... you are cracking me up... you were totally about to take the funeral director lady down. You go sister. That's hillarious. Little pregnant girl... ooo watch out... she's not going to let anybody walk over her!

    Anyway, in my family, funerals are different. The funeral director is always italian and his family is conected to everybody elses family...somehow. So, he's pretty cool and knows what's up...so he's just like us. It's typical to bring the casket to your house. So you go to your dead relatives house and they are there dead in the living room. Jeff thinks this is weired, but it's really not. It's cool. So believe me... the family has plenty of time to say goodbye to their dearly departed and sign the guest book thing. It's pretty funny actually, because in the beginning everybody goes nuts. I mean like hysterically crying over the casket like total maniacs and screaming and crying in italian and it's like so sad and horrible...and you just want to kill yourself because it's just so depressing... and then in a few hours after everybody gets that out of their system... they are totally back to normal and everyone is happy and crazy again!
