Saturday, February 04, 2006

grief and selfishness

My nerves have been really bad today. I can't seem to calm down. I received a phone call this morning from my mom and she had bad news. My grandfather died this morning. He collapsed in the bathroom and paramedics couldn't revive him. He had been battling cancer off and on for the last few years. The cancer began in his prostate. He underwent treatments and was fine for almost two years. Last November he had radiation treatments for cancer cells in a different part of his body. About a month ago, the doctors found a cancerous tumor on his spine. My grandfather had recently finished radiation treatments for that tumor. In some ways his death was a surprise and in some ways it wasn't.

I was also feeling really selfish today when I found out that his funeral is Tuesday at 2 pm. I had been looking forward for Tuesday at 2 pm because that was my scheduled sonogram to find out the sex of my baby. I have been counting down the days for that moment for the last two/three weeks. I can't miss my grandfather's funeral to go to my most anticipated doctor's appointment. I will be calling the doctor's office early Monday morning to reschedule.

Dust and I are leaving tomorrow (Sunday) after morning church to go be with my family. Dust and I are also taking off two days of work. My grandfather's viewing/visitation is on Monday and the funeral is Tuesday.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. It's never easy, expected or unexpected. Our prayers and thoughts are with you and the family.

    We'll be here for you when you do get the opportunity to find out if your baby is a boy or a girl too! :) "In good times, and bad times, I'll be on your side forever more. That's what friends are for!"

  2. I will be praying for you and your family. I echo T's words...that it's never easy.

    And you are completely normal for feeling the mix of emotions...I am disappointed for you too.

    May God be with you all!

  3. I hope you guys have a good time and a soon rescheduled sono!

  4. A good time, forrest...?'s a funeral? Are you all there today?

  5. poor little golden. I'm so sorry, I had no idea. We're you close to your grandfather? Was he a Christian? How is your grandmother?

    I will pray for you and your family too.

  6. Thanks for all of your prayers. My grandfather was a christian and I will see him again in Heaven someday. I wasn't that close with him. It's complicated and a long story. My grandmother died three years ago. My grandfather remarried within nine months. His second wife is doing ok. My grandfather was her fourth husband. Over Thanksgiving/Christmas my immediate family had reconciled with my grandfather. I am at peace with how I left things with my grandfather.

  7. Yes, GIGI, I meant for them to have a good time at the funeral. Do you want me to wish them a horrible experience?

    My grandpa died a few years ago, and going to his funeral was a great experience. I got to meet up with relatives I rarley see and celebrate the life of a man who lived his life for the Lord. It was a good time!

  8. i was jskiddin forrest ;)
