Tuesday, January 31, 2006

lame articles

I know Dust has blogged about ads on the back of cereal boxes before but I can't resist this one. The cereal was a HyVee brand Crispix. There were different articles encouraging kids to go to the library and read books. One headline read: "Hang out at the Library!" "Consider the library the next time you are looking for a place to hang out." What teenager is going to want to hang out at the library? You can't talk above a whisper there. The box shows a picture of two teenage girls leaning against a shelf of books "hanging out." Is that the best that they can do to get kids/teenagers to go to the library? If they want kids to go the library they should make it more relevant. They have the wrong marketing strategy here. Any teenager is going to read that and say "yeah, right." (sarcasm)

On the positive side, an article on the box informed kids that they can check out DVD's and videos at the library. And it suggested that you should join an online book club that some libraries offer. The chapters of the book will be emailed to you.

On a different note, there was a lame saying on the flap of my raisin box. "When you shine, people around you glow." Talk about cheesy.


  1. Part of the cheesiness of the library comment was the picture which shoed two girls standing next to the books in a group like it was the mall.

    I didn't mention it to Golden, but I used to hang out at the library in high school. That's probably obvious, though. :)

  2. You weren't the only one who had a drawing to the library, I bet you can guess I'm not talking about myself! :)

  3. Obviously Golden, you haven't been to the library in a long time. It is a happening place. We take the kids there all the time.

  4. I'd love to hang out at the library or a Borders right now. I remember going to the library as a teen to scavenge books I couldn't afford to buy at the rate I read. I never went to "hang out."

  5. You are right, I haven't been to the library in a long time. The last time I was there was last April.

    Dust and I used to go somewhat regularly on Saturdays a few years ago. I would read the magazine articles and Dust would check out books. : )

  6. The library has the best smell. Mmmm. I can't describe it... but Mmm...

  7. Librarys are cool!

    I miss the card catalogs :-(
