Thursday, February 09, 2006

outward appearances

We had a card in our door from KC when we got back late Tuesday night from my grandfather's funeral. The card said that they delivered our flowers to a neighbor's house because we were not home. What kind of a crazy deal is that? Someone could have a dishonest neighbor and say that they didn't receive any flowers.

When I left for work on Wednesday, I drove slow to find the address that they delivered our flowers to. It was two houses down from us. I cringed when I saw what house it was because I am scared of those neighbors. The man has a shaved bald head, earrings, tattoos and usually has a mean look on his face. The woman is a chain smoker in her garage and is constantly on her cell phone. She always has a mean look on her face and always goes inside her house when I drive by.

When I got home from work, I debated on whether or not I should go over to their house. I could hear my mother's voice in my head. "Do not go to a stranger's house alone without Dust. It's too dangerous." Dust doesn't come home after work on Wednesdays because he has a class. I called Dust and asked him what I should do. We decided that we would wait until Thursday so he could go with me.

I was sitting in the recliner watching "Lost" on Wednesday night when the doorbell rang. I still had my work clothes on, but was wearing a robe over them because I was cold. For some reason I knew that I shouldn't change into my pajamas that night. I got scared and ran to a window. I couldn't see a car. I knew the person could hear the tv. My mommy always told me not to open the door to strangers, especially at night. I decided to look through the door window and ask, "Can I help you?" I saw my scary neighbor holding a vase of flowers. I opened the door and told him I appreciated him bringing them over. He didn't sound scary at all. He seemed rather nice. I guess I shouldn't judge people on the outward appearance.


  1. My goodness Golden. They are your neighbors! They are probably more scared of you and had to overcome their fear to deliver to you.

    I think the advice that our mom's give us about not opening doors to strangers applies to kids who are home alone. We are now adults so it is okay to open the door.

    Nah, I'm just joshing you. You got to be safe. You are about 10-20 miles away from the Dot.

  2. Yeah, my outward appearance is very scary. : )

    My mother still tells me not to open the door! She is even more worried about my safety now that I am pregnant.

  3. Both of our moms are obsessive about safety. If we listened to them all the time we would never leave the house. :)

  4. I'm glad that they brought you the flowers! I would probably be apprehensive, but I would still go get them, I'd just call dash as I did it or jadee (who ever I could get on the phone:) ) and let them know if I didn't return where I was!

  5. You all would not believe how many "just in case I die" calls I've gotten. Not that she says it that way - but still.

    T: "Just so you know .... I can't steer the truck and bad lights are flashing on the dashboard as I speed through traffic"

    Dash: "Pull Over"

    T: "I can still drive ... if I pull the wheel really hard."

    Dash: "You are out of steering fluid (or worse) it's not safe to drive - pull over".

    T: "No I'll just take it back to the people that worked on it ....I just wanted you to know in case something happend...."

    Dash: "sigh..."

  6. t-bob, you are not scary looking.
