Sunday, February 19, 2006

new office suite and new hire

The company that I work for shares office space with an accounting firm. My boss thought it was time that we get our own office suite. Right now we share a receptionist with the accounting firm. When we get our own suite, we will have to hire our own receptionist. Also, when I take a maternity leave someone will have to do my job.

We were lucky enough to find some space for rent in the building that we currently work. My boss loves the deli on the first floor and he doesn't want to leave it. We are renting a suite on the 6th floor and it is getting renovated as we speak. I will have my very own office! I have never had that before. We will probably move in at the beginning of April.

My boss hired a lady to be our receptionist and to learn my job. She has worked with us two days so far and she is quite interesting. One of the first questions she asked me was: "Was your pregnancy planned or an accident?" I was shocked because I would never even ask my good friends that question! I told her planned. She likes to chat a lot and is very outgoing. She is the exact opposite of me, but I think we can work together fine. I am going to enjoy how my boss reacts to her in the future. He is obsessive compulsive and anal about how things are done. When she was helping me put checks into envelopes, she was making a stack of them on the floor. I looked at my boss and could tell that he was cringing inside. She was also just tossing the check stubs on his desk, and he likes them lined up in corresponding order. I think they might clash. I did give her the heads up on his OCD once he had left for the day.


  1. Wow - An Office!!!!

    As a cublicle dweller, I'm begining to think that I'm the wrong line of work ... or at least at the wrong company.

    Wait a minute... I already thought that. Now it's just worse.

  2. Cool, a new office! :) That will be exciting. Will you get to order new office furniture too? Fun fun fun!

  3. I once got to pick out the motivational artwork for my own office. This was done after hours by raiding all the empty offices from the recently fired.

    I should go work for a startup that is quick to fire again. That would make my business card collection more vaulable since there are more "rookie" cards in a startup and there is alway a good market for ex-VP cards.

  4. My boss showed me the desk that he is ordering for me from a catalog. I don't get to pick it out. : ( It came in the color "amber". I would have preferred that golden color than the dark cherry wood he is ordering. He wanted it to match his desk and other furniture.

  5. Dash, I have some salt for the wound. Apparently it's an office with a view too.
