Wednesday, February 22, 2006

liar, liar, pants on fire!

It is true that if you tell a lie and don't confess, then you have to keep telling more lies to cover up the first lie. I have always been embarrassed about how small I am. Everybody always used to make a big deal about it. If someone found out how much I weighed, I would never hear the end of it. So, I started lying about my weight around 6th grade. Sometimes I would add about ten pounds.

The weight issue came up when I got my first driver's license at age 16. The license bureau just takes your word for how much that you weigh. They don't put you on a scale. I lied about my weight on my driver's license by about 5 pounds. Three years later when my license came due, I had to lie again to cover up from the previous lie. I wish I could say that the lying has ended but it hasn't. Two weeks ago, I went to get my driver's license renewed again. The man at the license bureau asked me, "Are you still 102 pounds?" I thought to myself, "I am not that now." He isn't going to believe that I haven't gained a pound in six years. So, I added a few pounds and told him that I was 105. I figure that I will be that weight soon enough and who knows, I might not be able to loose the baby weight that I get.


  1. By the time Golden turns 75 her driver's license is going to say she is 550 pounds.

  2. Will you have to start wearing a fat suit at some point to cover up the lie? :) Or will it just continue, no I really am 140 lbs really....I am!

  3. You know, it is not farfetched for people to maintain their weight or even lose weight between driver's licences. Just be honest. They don't care and are not going to question you on it.

  4. I really want to be honest next time and tell my exact weight. Someone please remind me in six years when I have to renew again. That is so weird to think about because the next time I renew I will have a five-year-old son.

  5. Yeah, let's just hope that you don't have to take your 5 year old son to the license branch to renew your license! I have taken both kids, multiple times to the DMV and license branch and I can honestly say that I am usually the only person there with kids. I believe there's a reason for that! :)

  6. I have never changed the weight on my license since 16. It has always said 110, which was probably a lie even at 16. This year I decided I had to add 10 pounds to it, no way anyone was buying the 110 thing. I can't say I've ever added pounds, but I'm sure my husband could relate.
